Verma Hospital : Best Gynaecologist in Gwalior

Dr. Verma Hospital & Fertility Centre situated in Gwalior is one of the nation’s premier institute in Assisted Reproductive Techniques(ART) and Infertility Management. Our experienced Best Gynaecologist in Gwalior offer patients with appropriate guidance and counselling and after assessing the patient provide specific customized treatment that best fits the patient’s needs. With all facilities and amenities, we ensure that our patients get the best care and fulfil their dream of parenthood.

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    Our Services


    Our highly skilled team, led by Dr. Anju & Yatindra Verma, is recognized nationally for Infertility treatment counseling and guidance.

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    IVF in Gwalior


    IVF or in-vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technique where the eggs are retrieved from the woman’s ovaries to be fertilized..

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    Gynecologist in Gwalior


    This assisted reproductive technique involves placing “washed” sperms past the cervix directly into the woman’s uterus, with a small…

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    Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an assisted reproductive technique where a single live sperm is injected directly inside…

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    Infertility Centre in Gwalior

    Obstetric Care

    Complete Antenatal Care & Counselling Sonography Maternity Services.

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    Embryologist in Gwalior


    Hysteroscopy is often done in conjunction with a laparoscopy to examine the interior of the uterine cavity for scar tissue, adhesions…

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    Gynecologist in Gwalior


    Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure typically performed in an outpatient day surgery setting. It permits direct…

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    We provide diagnostic services for both partners under one roof For Female, Hormonal Assay Baseline UltraSonoGraphy Ovulation Study…

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    Allergy Doctor in Gwalior

    Allergy & Asthma Treatment

    Allergy and Asthma are not incurable conditions. The modern medical science provides better management options for these diseases.

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    Asthama Doctor in Gwalior

    Asthma Doctors

    Get rid of asthma by specially trained and experienced doctors and the latest medications, at affordable rates.

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    Allergy Doctor in Gwalior

    Skin Allergy Treatment

    We have the best dermatologist to solve all your skin-related problems and also for consultation.

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    Private Hospital in Gwalior
    Gynecologist in Gwalior
    Gynecologist in Gwalior

    Welcome to Dr. Verma Hospital & Fertility Centre in Gwalior

    Dr. Verma Hospital & Fertility Centre in Gwalior is a medical institution specializing in assessment and treatment of Infertility offering a range of ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) procedures.

    Established in 2000, by Dr. Anju & Dr Yatindra Verma, Dr. Verma Hospital & Fertility Centre is a one of a kind Infertility Private Hospital in Gwalior in the region and in the same year we delivered our first IUI pregnancy.

    Our Infertility Centre in Gwalior Wing, established in November 2003 delivered the first Infertility Treatment in Gwalior was done in 2005 and the first Egg Donation baby in 2006.

    In last 20+ years of our service of Gynaecologist in Gwalior, we have helped thousands of couple to fulfill their dream of parenthood.

    Book Your Appointment!

      Why Choose Us

      At Dr. Verma Hospital Gynaecologist in Gwalior and Fertility Centre we provide a full range of counselling, assessment and treatments to couple going through Infertility Problems. As an Embryologist in Gwalior, we offer Assisted Reproductive Techniques like IVF in Gwalior, IUI in Gwalior, ICSI, Surrogacy, Egg, and Sperm Bank. We also have range of gynecologists, Obstetric services and Gamete Bank in Gwalior.

      We work busting the myth that ART services are expensive, providing affordable treatment with utmost care and without any compromise. The General Physician in Gwalior and staff at our institute are inclined towards dedicated and empathetic care of our patients.

      Our Test Tube Baby Centre in Gwalior is also recognized for Basic & Advanced Infertility Training by FOGSI, through which many doctors have been trained and are providing infertility services in remote areas. Our Fertility Centre in Gwalior has hosted a number of IUI workshops & CMEs for doctors & paramedics.

      Book Your Appointment!

        Specialist Fertility Doctors

        Get treatment from our Specialist Doctors.Book your appointment today.

        World-class Technology

        Technology and facilities are among the best in the world.

        Supportive Team

        Continuous guidance from a supportive team of counselors

        Easy EMI

        Payment available in easy EMIs.

        Our Doctor in Gwalior

        Our institute is led by Doctor in Gwalior with long experience and expertise in the field along with a sense of dedication and service for the patients.


        M.B.B.S, M.S (GOLD MEDALIST)



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        What Our Patient Says

        I am so thankful to say that both Dr. Are superb and very down to work. …..full of positivity… They never give up. …😊

        unnamed (1)

        Brajesh Yadav

        Excellent fertility clinic! The doctors at Verma Hospital were knowledgeable, and their expertise helped us conceive successfully.
        unnamed (6)

        Mohit Sharma

        Dr. Verma Hospital provided exceptional care throughout my IVF journey. The staff was supportive.

        unnamed (5)

        Pooja Kushwaha

        Our hospital Gallery

        Private Hospital in Gwalior
        Gynecologist in Gwalior
        Gynecologist in Gwalior

        Fertility Centre in Gwalior
        Gynecologist in Gwalior

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